Friday, February 18, 2022

Aice Media Portfolio Project - Blog Post #3

 Narrowing down character and Plot!

Week of 2/14 - 2/20 (#2 of 4)

     A very important aspect of a successful Action/Thriller is a strong and powerful character. Characteristics of their types of characters include having leadership, showing courage, Resilience, and being always up for a challenge. As I understand more and more about how the story forms around the character, I will implement my ideas into my film opening. While keeping these aspects in mind, I am starting to formulate my own idea of how the story will play out and how the main protagonist will overcome the challenges they are faced with. 
    My film, which is not named yet, will be about an arrogant pilot who ignores the warning signs laid out in front of him. This mistake causes him to crash his small plane near a deserted island. He is faced with many problems and it is up to him to overcome the challenges and make it back home to his family. As he makes his way towards salvation, he starts to question who he is as a person and how he has been arrogant and harmful to the people around him. In the end, this tiring journey causes him to mentally change becoming a better person. My film opening will mostly focus on the events leading him to eventually crash the land off the deserted island. I am very eager to start planning how the shots will come together to make the story come to life. 
See you in the next Blog Post!!

Example of the Plane (Cessna 172 N) that will be used in the film opening.

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