Monday, March 28, 2022

Aice Media Portfolio Project - Blog Post #22

 Final Shots!

Week of 3/28 - 4/3 (#1 of 3)

    On-Location! The big day has arrived, and I made sure that I know that I am well prepared for the long drive ahead. After waking up at 8:30 and getting all my gear packed into the car I knew that there was one thing that I was missing, a "Red Bull," Believe me this is a vital part of the process because I had no energy. I hopped into the car and took off to make a short pitstop before making the drive toward the island. My friend was generous enough to make me fake blood the night before so that I could use it for my film opening. After picking up the container of fake blood, I started heading for the water taxi parking lot. The 40 min drive seemed long and this made me worried because I arrived at the lot at around Noon. 

The "Fake Blood" that was used.

    After waiting to board the ferry we finally stepped foot on the sandy beaches of the island. I immediately launched my drone to try to find the best location to shoot. We decided on this small portion of the beach that seemed uninhabited. This location is perfect because I want it to seem uninhabitable and desolate. After setting up the camera and seeing which angles fit the best I ran into one problem, the camera can not show the actor lying in the sand and the water. To overcome this problem, I moved the tripod into the actual water which allowed me to get the angle I was looking for. After obtaining all the shots, I packed up all my gear and went into the ocean to wash off all the fake blood. We then walked back to the dock to be picked up by the ferry which brought us to the car. We packed the gear into the car and started our long drive home. The sunset drive home felt like a good way to end a long day of shooting in the sun.  

How the Filming process looked.

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